Systemic wisdom for and beyond systems change – A critical systems perspective convening not only indigenous traditions of wisdom

by Louis Klein in…Systemic wisdom facilitates the re-entry of trust and love into science. And though this challenges the modern worldviews and the contemporary self-perception of sciences, it allows for translating knowing into understanding and knowledge into wisdom. We may lose the option of heroic systems change, yet we gain the possibility to realise a humanising society embedded in systemic wisdom.

Intertwined and interconnected: Can you discern?

by Janet Harvey in Invite ..Have you ever wondered about the intricate web of influences that shape your business? Are your leaders equipped with the necessary discernment and systemic thinking to navigate today’s complex landscape? In this blog, I uncover these interwoven and interconnected forces. Explore this critical topic and delve into the importance of preparedness in the face of these interconnected dynamics.

The AI age begins

by Peter Leyden in The Great Progression….The beginning of a step change in human capabilities as well as a new season of events and media coming out of ground zero San Francisco

Visualizing the top global risks in 2024

from the World Economic Forum….From a broader perspective, key structural forces are influencing global risks looking ahead. They include technological acceleration, climate change, shifts in geopolitical power, and a widening demographic divide.

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